Amenities and Accessibility FAQs

Do you have accessible parking for individuals with disabilities and/or mobility limitations?

The event will have a designated parking area for guests with disabilities and/or mobility limitations. This parking will be a reserved area located at the front of the parking lot closest to the welcome tent. In the event you need accessible parking, please advise the parking attendant when you enter the property and they will direct you accordingly.

Will transportation to tents be available this year for guests with disabilities and/or mobility limitations?

We will have a limited number of ADA designated golf carts available to assist individuals with disabilities/mobility limitations. These golf carts will be staged adjacent to the welcome tent (near the accessible parking area) during the main entry window to assist guests from the welcome tents to the event. Seating will be available in the staging area in the event guests need to wait as rides will be provided on a first come, first served basis.

A designated staging area will also be provided inside the event for guests who need rides back to the parking lot after the event. Their location will be identified to guests who are shuttled on the ADA carts. Please see a member of the Agent Support Team (wearing an olive green event t-shirt) for information on these staging locations on the day of the event.

Please note there will not be shuttle services available between activities / amenities within the event.

Will transportation to tents be available for all guests?
Due to safety concerns associated with the increased pedestrian and vehicle conflicts, general shuttles will not be available to guests attending this event. Golf cart rides will be limited to individuals with disabilities and/or mobility limitations.

Please be advised that strollers and wagons are welcome at the event.

Is the site handicapped accessible?
The event takes place outdoors on farmland which is generally flat with some small hilly areas. While the ground may be somewhat uneven in spots, the majority of the property is mowed grass and can be navigated with a wheelchair, dependent upon weather conditions. In the event of rain prior to and during the event, ground may be wet and it may be difficult to navigate the site in a wheelchair. ADA Golf cart service will be available for guests with mobility limitations as outlined above.

What type of restrooms are available?
We rely on portable restrooms for this event. Accessible restroom facilities will be available throughout the event space.

What type of seating is available?

Guest seating is provided onsite through folding chairs. Agents will have tables and chairs available within their individual tent areas and general seating will also be available in the central portion of the event space on both sides of the field.

If you need alternative seating, please feel free to bring your own chair along. There are plenty of viewing areas where you can set your own chair up to watch the polo match.

Are seating areas shaded?
Limited covered seating areas are available. Guests should expect to be exposed to the sun during this event. We recommend bringing sunscreen, a hat and or glasses.

Will water be available?

We will provide bottled water for guests at this event (at no cost). Bottled water is available in “community” tubs located in the guest service areas and throughout the event space. Please help yourself! If you have trouble locating bottled water, please look for a team member in an olive green event t-shirt and they can provide assistance.